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Jesse Ewing Glasgow, Jr. Resolutions

Jesse Ewing Glasgow, Jr. Resolutions

Whereas, a dearly beloved friend and fellow member has through the inestimable ways of an overruling power, been suddenly and unexpectedly taken from us, and whereas we were attached to him by al the ties formed in a long and friendly association therefore be it…

Resolved, that we consider the demise of Jesse Ewing Glasgow Jr., a great affliction, an incomparable loss to the community, to this Institute and to us as individuals.

Resolved, that his death, when so near the [illegible] of the [illegible] to the completion of which all his energies were lent and which judging from the character of his past scholarship he would have finished with the highest honors, is, to tender the circumstances, peculiarly painful.

Resolved, that we tender to the family of the deceased our sympathy with them in their deep afflictions with the hope that he who tempers the mind to the [illegible] may power into their hearts the fabric of consolation and fix them to lean up under this bereavement - as insupportable though it seems to be.

Resolved, that copies of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, the University of Edinburgh, and that they be published.

Resolved, that while this afflicting dispensation deprives us of one of the brightest members of our association and fills us with insufferable grief, we humbly acknowledge the sudden and power of his death - all being told.

Resolved, that in the death of our young friend, we find an eloquent subject in which to offer our heart-felt condolence  to the University of Edinburgh, in having lost away from her a splendid scholar, one of the brightest of her intellectual lights. This pronouncement among members, by his demise, must acknowledge the lamentable fact that one potent and loving evidence of the Black man’s ability in the higher walk of knowledge has been forever withdrawn.

O. V. Catto

H. B. Blach

Wm. Minton


Background Information

Following the death of Jesse Ewing Glasgow, Jr. in 1860, the members of the Banneker Institute published a set of resolutions celebrating Glasgow's life. Among these resolutions were condolences to Glasgow's family as well as the University of Edinburgh where Glasgow studied at the time of his death.

Image: "American Negro Historical Society," Leon Gardiner Collection [0008B], Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

Link: http://digitallibrary.hsp.org/index.php/Detail/Object/Show/object_id/12366


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