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1864 Final Examination Questions

Institute for Colored Youth.
The Christian Recorder, May 21, 1864

The annual private examination of the Senior Class of this Institute took place the last week in April. It was confined to Greek, Latin, and Mathematics, and was conducted in writing, under the direction of Professor Pliny F. Chase, A.M., of this city.

There were eleven members in the class, viz: James M. Baxter, Jr., Thomas H. Boling, J. Wesley Cromwell, Frank J.R. Jones, James H. Roberts, James L. Smallwood, Mary V. Brown, Harriet C. Johnson, Elizabeth Handy, Margaret A. Masten, and M. Gertrude Offitt.

The following are the questions in Latin:

1. Give the roots of the nouns and verbs in the passage

His lacrymis vitam damits, et miscrescimus ultro.

Ipse viro primus manieas atque areta levart.

Vincla jubet Priamus; dictisque ita fatur amicis:

Quisquis es, amissos hinc jam obliviscere Graios.


2. Point out the compound words, and their elements in

Impius ante aras, atque auri caecus amore,

Clam ferro incautum superat, securus amorum

Germanae; factumque diu celavit, et aegram,

Multa malus simulans, vana ape lusit amantem.

Ipsa sed in somnis inhumati venit imago.


3. Give a liberal translation of the following:

Nox erat, et terris arrimalia somnus habebat.

Effigies sacrae divum Phrygiique Penates,

Quos mecum a Troja mediisque ex ignibus urbis

Extuleram, visi ante oculos adstare jacentis

Insomnis, multo manifesti lumine, qua se

Plena per insertas foundeb at luna fenestras.

Tum sic affari, et curas his demere dictis;

Quod tibi delato Ortygiam dicturus Apollo est,

Hic canit; et tua nos en ultro ad limina mittit.

Nos te, Dardania incensa, tuaque arma secuti;

Nos tumidum sub te permensi classibus aequor;

Idem venturos tollemus in astra nepotes,

Imperiumque urbi dabimus. Tu moenia maguis

Magna para, longumque fugae ne linque laborem.


4. Give a literal translation of the passage:

Hine ferro accingor rursus, clypeoque sinis tram

Insertabam aptans, meque extra tecta ferebam.

Ecce autem complexa pedes in limine conjux

Haerebat, parvumque patri tendebat Iulum:

Si periturus abis, et nos rape in omnia tecum;

Sin aliquam expertus sumptis spem ponis in armis,

Hanc primum tutare somum. Cui parvus Iulus,

Cui pater, et conjux quondam tua dicta relinquor?


5. Scan the first three lines in question 3 and 4, above and give the rules.


6. Arrange in English order of construction.

Talia voce refert, curisque ingentibus aeger

Spem vultu simulat, premit altum corde dolorem.

Illi se praedae accingunt dapibusque futuris:

Tergora deripiunt costis, et viscera nudant;

Pars in frusta secant, verubusque trementia figunt;

Littore ahena locant alii, lammasque ministrant.


7. Parse every word in the following lines:

Defessi Aeneadae, quae proxima, littora cursu

Contendunt petere, et Libyae vertwiitur ad oras.

Postquam exempta fames epulis, mensaeque remotae,

Amissos longo socios sermone requirunt,

Spemque metumque inter dubii, seu vivere credant,

Sive extrema pati, aec jam exaudire vocatos.


8. Parse infelix quii se, Virgil, Aen. II, 455; positis novus exuviis, Aen. II, 473; huic atro liquuntur sanguine, Aen. III, 28.


9. Give the metres, and scan the following extracts from the Odes of Horace:

Ac neque jam stabulis gaudet pecus aut arator igni,

Nec prata canis albicant pruinis.

Tentaris numeros. Ut melius, quidquid erit, pati!

Seu plures hiemes seu tribuit Jupiter ultimam

Ingrato celeres obruit otio

Ventos, ut caneret fer.

Conditum levi, datus in theatro

Cum tibi plausus.


10. Translate the following from Horace I, Odes XVL, XIL, and XV.

O matre pulchra filia pulchrior,

Quem criminosis cunque voles modum

Pones iambis, sive flamma

Sive mari libet Hadriano.

Non Dindymene, no adytis quatit

Mentem sacerdotum incola Pythius,

Non Liber aeque, non acuta

Si geminant corybautes aera.


Quem virum aut heroa lyra vel acri

Tibia sumis celebrare, Clio?

Quem deum? Cujus recinet jocosa

Nomen imago

Aut in umbrosis Heliconis oris,

Aut super Pindo gelidove in Haemo,

Unde vocalem temere insecutae.

Orphea silvae.


Pastor cum traheret per freta navibus

Indaeis Helenen perfidus hospitam,

Ingrato celeres obruit otio

Ventos, ut caneret fera

Nereus fata: Mala decis avi domum,

Quam multo repetet Braecia milite,

Conjurata tuas rumpere nuptias

Et regnum Priami vetus.


14. Parse each word in the following lines from Odes VIII., IX., and XL.

Te deos oro, sybarin cur properes amando.

Quid sit futurum cras, fuge quaerere et.

Tu ne quaesieris (scire nefas,) quem mihi, quem tibi.

Tentaris numeros. Ut melius, quidquid erit, pati!




Point out any peculiar idioms that you observe in [Text in Greek]



Give various readings of the following:

[Text in Greek]



Parse every word in the following:

[Text in Greek]



Translate the following:

[Text in Greek]



Give a liberal translation of the following extract from Homer:

[Text in Greek]



Translate literally twenty lines of Anacreon’s “Ode to the Dove.”

[Text in Greek]



Scan the following six lines of the “Ode to his Lyre:”

[Text in Greek]



Translate – [Text in Greek]



Translate – [Text in Greek]



Parse every word in the following:

[Text in Greek]



In the following extract: [Text in Greek], give all the rots, and such English derivatives as you may think of.



Point out the idioms in the following:

[Text in Greek]



1. If four magnitudes are proportional, prove that their squares are in proportion by composition or division.

2. Draw a circle through three points, and demonstrate the problem.

3. What is the area of an equilateral triangle that can be inscribed in a circle of two acres?

4. Demonstrate the value of the square described on the sum of two lines.

5. Inscribe a regular decagon, and a regular polygon of twenty-four sides in a circle, and prove the work.

6. Prove that if two straight lines be cut by three parallel planes, they will be divided proportionally.

7. Find the contents of the frustum of a pyramid, demonstrating the process.

8. Demonstrate the problem for finding the contents of a sphere.

9. Prove the Pythagorean proposition in as many ways as you can.

10. Give a few of the first steps for finding the ration of the circumference to the diameter.



1. If one angle of a triangle is 288°, and the others are in the ratio of 3: 5, what are the unknown angles?

2. What are the possible cases for the solution of right-angled triangles?

4. Prove that the sides of a plane triangle are proportional to the sides of the opposite angle.

5. What are the possible cases for the solution of oblique triangles?

6. Sine a being given, find sine 6 a.

7. If ten. 60° is 28.7 rods, what is the area of the circle?

8. In a right-angled triangle, the base is 2.3 times the perpendicular, and the area is 1.7 acres. Required the sides.

9. How do you find the perpendicular distance of an object below a given horizontal plane?

10. Standing due west of a house which faces N.W., I hold a foot-rule 8 inches from my eye, and observe that the rays from the two extremities of the house, intercept 1.3 inches on the rule. Knowing that the house is 60 ft. long, what is the distance of its nearest corner from the place where I stand?



1. What are Napier's circular parts, and what are their principal properties?

2. what are the six cases of right-angled spherical triangles?

3. Solve the quadrantal triangle in which c'=21° 15' and b'\ \ 73° 37'.

4. Two sides of a spherical triangle are 19° 49' and 48° 33', and the included angle 127°. Required the remaining parts.

5. When the three angles are given, how do you find the sides?



The averages were summed up on a scale of ten: that is, the number ten represents a perfect answer.

The General Averages, i.e., the averages of the Greek, Latin and Mathematics, taken together, are as follows:

Thomas H. Boling, 9.37; J. Wesley Cromwell, 8.91; Harriet C. Johnson, 8.61; Mary V. Brown, 8.27; James M. Baxter, jr., 8.24; James L. Smallwood, 8.22; Frank J.R. Jones, 7.87; Elizabeth Handy, 7.67; Margaret A. Masten, 7.56; M. Gertrude Offitt, 7.49; James H. Roberts, 6.53.

 E.D. BASSETT, Principal.

Background Information

This article from The Christian Recorder includes information the Institute for Colored Youth’s private annual examinations in Latin, Greek, and Math. It also includes the averages of the graduating students from the class of 1864. The article lists eleven students. However, there are no Institute records about James H. Roberts graduating. It is possible that he did not score high enough on the examinations and left the school without graduating, which was not unprecedented.

1864 Final Exam Questions
1864 Final Exam Questions


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